The Freedom of Information Act requires Parish Councils to be transparent in their affairs by publishing three documents annually:
1. The budget spreadsheet on which the Precept is based.
2. The end of year receipts and payments spreadsheet complete with bank reconciliation
3. Spends that amount to over £100
Budget 2024/2025
Payments over £100 IPC 24/25
AGAR 24/25
Bank Rec IPC 24/25
Receipts and Payments IPC 24/25
Notice of Electors Rights IPC 24/25
Explanation of Variances IPC 24/25
Budget 2023/2024
Payments over £100 IPC 23/24
AGAR 23/24
Bank Rec IPC 23/24
Receipts and Payments IPC 23/24
Notice of Electors Rights IPC 23/24
Explanation of Variances IPC 23/24
AGAR 22/23
Bank Rec 22/23
Receipts and Payments IPC 22/23
Payments over £100 IPC 22/23
Notice of Electors Rights IPC 22/23
Explanation of Variances IPC 22/23
Budget 2022/23
AGAR unaudited 21/22
Bank Rec IPC 21/22
Receipts and Payments IPC 21/22
Payments over £100 IPC 21/22
Notice of Electors Rights 21/22
Explanation of Variances IPC 21/22
Budget 2021/22
Budget 2020/21
Annual governance & accountability return year ended March 2020
Summary Receipts & payments 19-20
AGAR post internal audit report 19-20
Internal audit report 2019-20
IPC Bank reconciliation 03-20
Asset Register 31-03-20
Annual governance & accountability return year ended March 2019